Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's been a long time...

So I'm not sure if anyone checks this anymore...and I couldn't blame anyone for not because i have been HORRIBLE about keeping it up to date! But now for the update, if there are still any readers out there.

After Christmas things got a little hectic: It was our Anniversary, then my birthday which was the same day Ryan's Martial Arts Instructor course started. It was a very intense three week program. He was getting up around 5 am each day, got his butt kicked during the day, and then was home around 5 or 6. So for 3 weeks we didn't do much of anything, he slept and just relaxed a lot while i cooked a lot of food to sustain his workout levels and did a lot of laundry . During this time I had started a CNA program through the Red Cross, but i had to discontinue it due to the Red Cross not having their payment system up to date for the grants military spouses receive. They couldn't receive the funds, so i went on to pursue my group exercise instructors certification instead! I take that test March 9th. I'm still waiting to hear back from graduate school and I am still searching for a job. The few of us spouses who have been trying to find a job have had no luck--around here it's all about who you know. One of my friends who is a PA asked the urgent care if they were hiring at all, and the response she got was "it's all about who you know and networking, we rarely look at applications". So with that information i don't feel as bad about not getting hired anywhere. I'm in a microbiology class at a community college and I'm learning so much about different bacteria that i have become a germ-a-phob. It's been interesting going from IU to a community college, I don't like it as much at all, and Ryan tells me it's not fair to keep comparing it (which, he's right) but it's hard not to. IU was so much fun, we both miss it so much. One funny thing is that there are roosters and wild chickens that rule the parking lots, which IU didn't have...see, i'm already looking at the bright side :) My friend Emily and I are doing this challenge at the base gym called a TRY-athlon. It's and Iron man triathlon but we have the whole month of February to complete it. Mondays we bike and run, and Thursdays we swim. the biking and running has been great because it's been a way to explore the neighboring towns, but the swimming not so much. all the pools are outdoors here, and since it's the "wintertime" right now, they are FREEZING. So the swimming portion has pretty much become an ice bath for our sore muscles from the running and biking. 

In December we went to our friends wedding at the Hilton down in Waikiki. It was beautiful. It was an all white chapel with the sun set coming in the huge picture window. Afterward we went to a really nice sushi restaurant, and then after this saki type bar. President Obama was there and we could see him from our table, but the bride and groom were able to actually able to meet him. It was a very fun night to say the least!

Emily and I do most of everything together, so you will be hearing a lot about her from now on. If I'm not with Ryan, I'm with her. We on a hike to the pillboxes. they were old WWII look outs, but now the public can hike up them and see amazing views of kailua.

We all went out one night and sang karaoke  there are a ton of those places around here, and I'm pretty sure it's due to the Asian population. We all wore "Aloha" t shirts. here are Ryan and some of his buddies.

 Our house is still under construction...that is in terms of decorating. It's way bigger than what we need, so it's still pretty empty. But here are some pictures:

the two empty guest rooms

That's all i have for now, but I promise the next blog won't be 2 months from now :)


1 comment:

  1. Salisbarys! ('s been so long that I think I've forgotten how to spell your last name...)

    I was just blogging when I remembered that you (Carlie) had given us your blog site address...which came up on my broswer history! So nice to see how you're all doing in Hawaii; we miss you guys! Glad to see that you're doing well (as of Febuary at least ;) Sending our love from the west coast!

    -Steph & Jay Mox
