Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hawaiian Sledding

This is Hawaii's version of sledding:

On Saturday's there is a really big farmer's market in Honolulu. they sell all kinds of different things! we bought a few veggies, but mainly tried different foods they had out. we tried a Vietnamese doughnut and Vietnamese coffee (which were both delicious, we went back for more), and i tried seaweed pesto, which was also very good! they had tons of different plants, which all look so exotic and tropical. i keep telling  Ryan he needs to get me some, but he never does...sigh...one day haha :) but the avocado's are HUGE here, i've never seen anything like it.

We went up to the top of the big hill we run to see the sun set, but where we are located on the island we don't get much of one, the mountains hide it. it is always dark here by 6, and its really dark too. when its 6pm it feels more like 9pm, so it just always feels later than it actually is.

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