Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hawaiian Sledding

This is Hawaii's version of sledding:

On Saturday's there is a really big farmer's market in Honolulu. they sell all kinds of different things! we bought a few veggies, but mainly tried different foods they had out. we tried a Vietnamese doughnut and Vietnamese coffee (which were both delicious, we went back for more), and i tried seaweed pesto, which was also very good! they had tons of different plants, which all look so exotic and tropical. i keep telling  Ryan he needs to get me some, but he never does...sigh...one day haha :) but the avocado's are HUGE here, i've never seen anything like it.

We went up to the top of the big hill we run to see the sun set, but where we are located on the island we don't get much of one, the mountains hide it. it is always dark here by 6, and its really dark too. when its 6pm it feels more like 9pm, so it just always feels later than it actually is.

Busy Bee's

Hey Everyone!

Sorry i haven't been blogging as much as i would like to! we've been pretty busy!

Ryan has started doing some work with his unit, but since most of his unit is deployed there's not much he can really do. So they tasked him with organizing the units return from their deployment , and he has been enjoying learning how to do certain things and kind of get a head start before everyone gets back and then just dumps work on him...which he looks forward to as well.He is also the safety officer for the unit. that means before every leave or break he gets up in front of everyone and says "okay now, don't do this and stay away from that" etc.,  But overall it's going well and he is meeting a lot of people that are giving advice about his unit.

I've been trying to get things in order for graduate school. I'm in the process of getting into a CNA class and then for the Spring 2013 semester i'm taking a microbiology class. And then I've applied for an accelerated nurse practitioners program for the fall of 2013, so fingers crossed! if i don't get accepted i'll just try to apply again for the next fall. it's a two year program and we have three years here, so hopefully one of the times i apply i'll get in! if not i'll just have to pursue other things! I also start volunteering for the Red Cross soon, i have orientation that starts the 27th! so i am excited about all of that!

We went to a beach called "sandy's beach" and i think it's called that because you get sand everywhere, you sit on your towel and somehow you have sand all over you, you don't get in the water somehow you have sand all over you,you get in the water to wash the sand off and somehow you have more sand. its a mystery to us! The Drive out there was absolutely beautiful! i'm having some trouble getting my photos to load on the computer, but i will post those at a later date!

This is his "official" marine corps photo. i tried to send one to family, but just in case someone hasn't seen it here it is :)

Hope everyone is doing well :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hello Family and Friends!

These are pictures of Ryan's graduations-From TBS in Virginia, and then Logistics school in Jacksonville.
 these are the friends he made during the 6 months of training, everyone was SO happy to graduate and be out of there, but they were getting very sentimental as well, realizing they won't be seeing each other for a very long time, if again...but hey, Ooo Ra.

Trevor Sewell, Rich Powell, Daniel Driscoll, Jason Moxley

Kyle King 
Colton Sizemore
Jeff Spangler

Mike Noland

 Then we moved to Jacksonville! We really liked it, and there are certain things we miss. If i messed up on dinner or it was just a late night, we went to this 24 hour old school diner and would eat breakfast :) it was also fun living so close to the Atlantic, and now we are living on the Pacific!
 This is graduation from Logistics school, and yes, i am wearing the same dress...perks of moving around!
Ryan and Jeff

Jason and Judy Grenier. Judy and i walked together every morning :) and they are expecting a little one!

Nice face Ryan...

If you look down, you can post comments which we will get! Please post if you want to!