Monday, October 29, 2012

Our first week :)

Hello Everyone!

We've been here a week now, and so far, we love it! We already miss everyone though, and fall, and the feeling of coming into a warm, cozy house when it's chilly outside. We've been trying to get to the beach as much as we can in between looking for houses, filling out paper work, filling out more paper work, Ryan checking in with his unit, and just getting things situated that we need. We've been trying to adjust to the time zone- we are still in bed by around 8:30 pm here and getting up around 4:30 or 5 am, though that's right around lunch time for you guys! The first place we stayed in was the Cabana's. we had to cross an air strip to get there, so we were always stopped for military air craft take off and landing, it was neat to see so close up. it was just a little one room place, and we shared the bathrooms with other people staying in the cabana's. i didn't mind that so much, but it was a little creepy in the middle of the night if we had to get up and use the restroom. To sum it up, it was hood rich with a nice view.

They called us and had a room open up in the lodge, which is more hotel like, and so we've been here since Thursday. Here we are closer to the grocery store, gym, and shopping center, but not as close to the ocean.

The beaches here on base are really nice and secluded. We went this past weekend and boogie boarded. we had so much fun but the waves were HUGE. and not nice big waves- they would go up and then cap right away and crash down on on the people trying to surf. So we hung out in the white wash and rode the waves out that way, i was too scared to venture out any further, i am just a white girl from the mainland so i'm not too disappointed in my actions.

Note: pictures of ocean here do not represent the huge waves we saw.

This is a video of very big hill, or small mountain (we aren't quite sure) that we run up. The view is amazing, so i hope this video works so you can see it. I'm still trying to get the hang of all this posting.
Love you all!